Aishwarya Doke

An Undergraduate Student

I am currently studying towards a Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology at Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - SNDT, Mumbai. Having a genuine interest in technology has led me to be foresighted in furthering my education.

I do believe in the power of programming to ameliorate and the enhance the lives of people around the world with technologies advancing at an exponential rate. And so, being technically savvy is crucial.

Featured Projects

View selected projects below. More information can be found at GitHub: aishwarya-doke

My Work Process

1. Personal Portfolio

I am learning HTML & CSS and so wanted to try hand on project as well. And what could be better than creating a portfolio for myself.

This itself is my first project using my skills in HTML & CSS. Hope you like it!

View project / case study


Complete work histroy on LinkedIn: aishwaryadoke

Junior Council Member

Computer Society of India - UMIT

September 2020 - Present

CSI-UMIT is a Technical Council.

We conducted our annual fest ABHIVYAKTI '20-21: NOSTALGIA ABLAZE. As a Junior Council Member I was responsible for carrying out the Technical Paper Presentation Event. Other responsibilities included getting sponsors for the fest, managing council member's data, making brochure and other digital posts for our Instagram handle.


Blue Ribbon Movement (BRM)

October 2020 - January 2021

The Community Connect Fellowship is a 3 month program by BRM which is a leadership development program for young adults to build active citizenship through local civic projects.

Before joining CCF I first had to complete a one month program named CCC. I got familiar with my locality and other details. Also, recognized the civic issues and took action for the same. Also, we ran an awareness campaign which was successful as we reached 500+ citizens.

I was responsible for doing all the weekly tasks, creating & mainting the social media account we created for the awareness program.

Check out: Citizens On Duty


Usha Mittal Institute of Technology - Mumbai, India

Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology, 2019 - present

Overall GPA(until 3 semesters - 9.21)

C.U. Shah Jr College - Mumbai, India

Completed Higher Secondary Education (Science), 2017 - 2019

Percentage: 78.00%

Pragnya Bodhini High School - Mumbai, India

Completed Secondary Education, March-2017

Percentage: 93.20%